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How to Setup Attendee Emails for a Series

3 mins read
Communication emails can also be managed centrally for a series. You can find all the available templates in Communication > Standard.
Here is a list of the available templates and their descriptions:
Email TypeDescriptionDefault State
Series Registration Confirmation
An action-based email is triggered when an attendee registers for the series from the landing page.
This is a consolidated mail and contains information about all the ongoing and upcoming events/webinars in the series (including magic links if enabled).
Only for attendees
This email is not sent when you add an attendee from the organizer dashboard.

Series Invitation Confirmation

This email is sent when you add an attendee from the organizer dashboard.

This is a consolidated mail and contains information about all the ongoing and upcoming events/webinars in the series (including magic links if enabled).

Series New Event Added
This email will notify attendees when you add a new event to the series.Off
Series New Webinar Added
This email will notify attendees when you add a new webinar to the series.Off
Registration Confirmation
This email is sent when attendees register for the event from the registration pageOff
Event InvitationThis email is sent when participants are invited from the People section of this dashboard.
Registration Rejected
This email is sent to attendees when their registration is rejected.Off
Reminder ~ 7 Days to Go
This email is sent seven days before the event/webinar. Time-based trigger. Based on start date & time.On
Reminder ~ 1 Day to Go
This email is sent one day before the event/webinar. Time-based trigger.Based on start date & time.On
Reminder ~ 1 Hour to Go
This email is sent one hour before the event/webinar. Based on start date & time.On
Reminder ~ 5 minutes to Go
This email is sent 5 minutes before the event/webinar. Based on start date & time.On
Thank You for Coming!
This email is sent 2 hours after the event/webinar has ended. Based on start date & time.Off
We missed you at the event!
This email is sent two hours after the event's end time to participants who couldn't join the event/webinar. Off
Event canceled
This email is sent when the event/webinar has been canceled.On
We'll miss you at the event
This email is sent when an invitee declines an event invitation.


The Email templates for a series

All emails except top 4 series emails, can be considered as emails template. After an email template is edited (say, Registration Confirmation), all events/webinars added afterwards will show the updated email template in the event or webinar settings.
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