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Basic vs Advanced Integration

1 min read

The below table helps you understand the difference between Basic and Advanced Integration.

Basic Vs Advanced Feature List


New User RegistrationNew user information when they register for your event or webinar from the registration page.

Event AttendanceData captured when a registered user enters the event.
Session AttendanceData captured when an attendee enters a session.
Discussion Room AttendanceData captured when an attendee enters a room. Only for events

Contact DetailsMapping of registrant details such as first name, last name, email, and others
UTM ParametersMapping of UTM information such as UTM Id, UTM Source
IP DetailsIP details such as IP country, city

CTA's ClickedThe names of the CTA buttons clicked in a Zuddl event
Polls AnsweredThe list of poll questions that an attendee has responded to during the event
Questions AskedThe list of questions asked by an attendee during the event
Question UpvotedThe list of questions an attendee has upvoted during the event
User Profile UpdatedThe list of questions an attendee has asked during the event

Discussion Room Engagement TimeThe total time spent in a room. Only for applicable for events
Session Engagement TimeThe total time spent in a session.
Booth Engagement TimeThe total time spent in a booth
If you have multiple integration with your Zuddl account, this data is passed to different integration as leads/ contacts/ prospects and added to campaigns/ programs according to your selection (Basic or Advance).
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