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Studio Backstage - Overview

2 mins read

The Studio backstage is your console, which provides you with all the required tools for streaming your live event.

The Studio Backstage

It is highly recommended to set up your studio backstage with all the required elements before the event to easily add elements at the time of the event.

The stage is shown in the middle of the screen. Everything you add to the stage appears to your audience during the live session.

Your Studio name appears above the stage. You can easily find your studio using its name from the Studio listing page.

At the bottom of the page, you can find the Stage and Backstage tabs. All speakers currently on the stage are shown under the Stage tab, and the speakers on backstage are under the Backstage tab (with indicators to show how many speakers are in each section).

To move speakers to the stage, go to the backstage tab, hover over the desired speaker thumbnail, and click Add to Stage.

Add your speaker to Stage

When you add speakers on stage, the participant's tile under the Stage tab is as shown below:
You can manage all media elements such as overlays, audio clips, etc. added on the stage under the Stage tab as shown below:

At the bottom center you can find the mic, camera, sharing, and settings button. You can share Video, Presentation, Screen, and Iframe. Speakers can share screen directly from the backstage.

To the left of the stage, you can find the Showflow setup. Showflow lets you plan your streaming session in advance by creating scenes of the different segments of your event.

To the right of the stage is the widget navigation sidebar, which provides live production tools that enhance your audience's viewing experience.

Max count
The total number of people supported on stage and backstage is 15.
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