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How to Setup Attendee Emails for a Zuddl Webinar

Published: 10/17/2023
4 mins read
Updated: 10/17/2023
Zuddl lets you easily create multiple event-related emails using templates and send them to your attendees directly from the Zuddl dashboard. Editing email templates gives you more control and saves the time and effort required to manually compose emails for the different stages, such as registration, reminder emails, and more.
The email types are categorized based on the recipients, Attendees, and Speakers, which can be configured from their respective tabs. The table below explains the email types for both attendees and speakers.

Attendee email templates

Here are the different templates available for attendees:

Email types

Email TypeDescriptionDefault state
Registration confirmation
An action-based email is triggered when an attendee registers from the landing page for the events/webinar. If the attendee has purchased a ticket, you can show the ticket type and amount (for paid access). You can show it as "free" if it is a free ticket.
This email type is only for attendees.
Note: This email is not sent when you add an attendee from the organizer dashboard.
Registration Pending Approval
An action-based email is triggered when an attendee completes registration for the events/webinar from the landing page.
This mail is sent when the attendee registration is pending approval from the organizer.                                                                     Note: This email is not sent when you add an attendee from the organizer dashboard.          
Registration Rejected
An action-based email is triggered when the organizer rejects an attendee registration.                                                                                                             Note: This email is not sent when you add an attendee from the organizer dashboard.  
Webinar Invitation
This email is sent when you add an attendee from the organizer dashboard. An invite is sent to the attendee. Off
Reminder ~ 7 Days to Go
I sent 7 days before the events/webinar. Time-based trigger. Based on start date & time.Off
Reminder ~ 1 Day to Go
Sent one day before the events/webinar. Time-based trigger. Based on the webinar date & time.Off
Reminder ~ 1 Hour to Go
Sent one hour before the events/webinar. Based on the webinar date & time.Off
Reminder ~ 5 Mins to Go
Sent 5 minutes before the events/webinar. Based on start date & time.Off
Thank You for Coming!
Sent 2 hours after the events/webinar has ended. Based on the webinar date & time.Off
We missed you at the webinar!
Sent to participants who couldn't join the webinar two hours after the events/webinar end time. Off
Ticket confirmation
Sent to the ticket purchaser. Tickets for attendees can be purchased by the attendees themselves or by someone else, like an attendee can purchase a ticket for themself or anyone else can buy a ticket for the attendee.Off
Reminder: Add attendee details
Sent one day before the event/webinar to people who purchased tickets without adding attendee details.Off
Webinar canceled
Sent when the events/webinar has been canceled.On

Edit an Email

You can edit the default email template to customize the email according to your requirements.
Note: Ensure that your email type is toggled on. If the email type is toggled off, you cannot edit the email.
To edit:
  1. Toggle on the available email type.
  2. Click on Open Editor for an email type.


  3. On the Edit email page, edit the email Subject line.

    Screenshot 2022-09-02 at 5.51.40 PM.png

  4. Edit the sender's name. This is the contact name of the sender—defaults to Zuddl Event.
  5. Click Customise HTML to edit the HTML code of the email body.
  6. After you have edited the code, click Save.

Screenshot 2022-09-02 at 5.40.24 PM.png

This changes the default state from "Default Email Template" to "Customized template."

Screenshot 2022-09-02 at 5.42.15 PM.png

You can review the changes by clicking Test Email, which sends a custom email to your email address. If you want to restore the original template, you can click Revert to Original.

Screenshot 2022-09-02 at 5.41.34 PM.png

You can go back to editing the custom code anytime by clicking Edit Custom Code. In the same way, you can edit each email template according to your needs.
Note: Changing the event date or time resets the email toggles to default. So, if your Event invitation email was toggled on, it gets turned off when the event dates are modified. You will be notified of this change via a popup or an email.


This resetting is done to prevent any accidental misfires during trial runs. Conversely, changing the event date or time in the email does not change the event date or timing.
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