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How to Build an Email for an In-person Event in Zuddl

3 mins read
You can choose a tool to overhaul the email entirely and custom-design it according to your requirements. To use the email builder option:
  1. Click on Edit email. This opens the editor page.
  2. You can use widgets from the left navigation option, such as Title, Image, Buttons, and more, to customize the design of the email entirely.

    Use the email builder tool

  3. Once you create the email, click the Save button. Alternatively, you can click Save and exit to save it for a one-time use or click Save as a template to keep it as a template that can be reused later.

You can click Revert to the Original to reset your changes to the original template or click Edit email to go back to editing.

Important Note

Changing the event date or time resets the email toggles to default.

For example, if your Registration confirmation email was toggled on, it gets turned off when the event dates are modified. You will be notified of this change via a popup.

This resetting is done to prevent any accidental misfires during trial runs. Conversely, changing the event date or time in the email does not change the event date or timing.

How to customize email

There are primarily two types of variables you can work with when customizing your email:
  • Merge tags
  • Special links

How to use Merge Tags

Merge tags are dynamic variables that you can easily insert in your emails for which Zuddl fetches the value from the backend. For example, you can add the ‘User name’ merge tag to your email template, and Zuddl will automatically bring the names of all the attendees to whom this email is sent. So each attendee would receive personalized emails.
To use merge tags:
  1. Select any text variable enclosed in the blue dotted box.
  2. Click on the Merge tags option on the rich-text toolbar.

Note: A blue dotted box represents a merge tag in a template.

Select the desired merge tag from the list.

This will add the merge tags at your cursor position.
Note: The merge tags, “QR code image” and “Event logo,”  shouldn’t be used with text as they would render the image URL rather than the image. These are added to the list to reference the codes used in the image component.

You can also add more merge tags by following the same steps. However, ensure that your cursor is in the right place.

How to use Special Links?

Special links are pre-defined links that can be easily added to your email template. The steps to add a special link to your email template are the same as adding a merge tag.
There are two types of special links:
    • Go to event: Use this to add an event hyperlink to your email.
    • Calendar invite link: Use this to add to calendar links for Apple, Outlook, Google, and Yahoo email. When a user clicks on any calendar invite link, it opens the Create Event page in the respective calendar.

Use special links

Merge tags usage for audiences

Not all merge tags can be used for all audiences. For example, QR codes or ticket amounts are irrelevant for organizers or moderators. Refer to the table below to learn how to merge tag usage for different audiences:

Merge tags

Merge tagsAudience
User nameAll
First nameAll
Last nameAll
Event nameAll
Event start dateAll
Event start timeAll
Event start date timeAll
Event end date timeAll
Timezone shortAll
QR codeAttendee & Speaker
QR code ImageAttendee & Speaker
Event logoAll
Event typeAll
Ticket nameAttendees
Ticket amountAttendees
Transaction IDAttendees

Special links

Special linksAudiences
Go to eventAll
Calendar inviteAll
Edit registration detailsAttendees
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