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How to Edit the Basic Settings for Booth in a Virtual Event in Zuddl

1 min read
Once your booth is created, you can choose to customize it with branding elements and additional features which can enhance your visitors’ experience while inside the booth.

Booth Branding

To customize your booth as per your brand:
  1. Click the options button on the booth card and click Edit or click on the card to go inside the setup.

    Edit booth.png

  2. In the Details tab, click Branding to expand the section.

    Booth Details.png

  3. Upload a Booth thumbnail for listing the booth in the expo venue. This is used on the card for the booth as shown in the expo venue. The recommended format is a JPEG, JPG, or a PNG image file with a 1154x600 pixel resolution and a maximum size of 4 MB.
  4. In Booth background, click Edit image to select one of the default booth background templates provided by Zuddl or upload your own background image from your device. The recommended format is a .JPG, .JPEG, or .PNG image with 1920x1080 pixel resolution and a maximum size of 4 MB.
  5. Upload a Booth Logo. The booth logo is visible to visitors inside the booth. The recommended format is a JPEG, JPG, or a PNG image with a 200x80 pixel resolution and a maximum size of 4 MB.
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