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How to Set up a Schedule for a Hybrid Event in Zuddl

2 mins read

This article explains how you can create a session, and how you can search for one on your Zuddl dashboard.

Add a session

To create a schedule you need to add sessions. To add a session  
  1. Go to Venue Setup > Schedule. This takes you to a page where the entire schedule is visually represented date-wise, over a timeline.
  2. Click on the Add session button to start creating a session, or tap on a particular time window on the timeline to create a session for that time.

    Add session. Hybrid.png

  3. Enter a Session name (of up to 250 characters).
  4. In the About the session text field, add a session description (of up to 2000 characters). The session description appears in the Schedule venue on the live event side.
  5. On the Select day field, select the date-day for the session.
  6. Select a time range in the Start & end time and click OK.
  7. Select a virtual venue from the dropdown. A venue is a place in an event where sessions take place.

    If you have selected Stage as a venue, an additional field Speakers is shown.

  8. Select a subvenue based on the selected venue. A subvenue is a particular area within a venue for example, within an expo venue, booths are subvenue. The Subvenue options are populated according to the venue selection.
  9. Click on the Select Speakers link, search and select the speakers from the list. You can also add new speakers by clicking Add a speaker button. Learn how to add a speaker.
  10. Optional. If you wish to hide the segment from the event participants, select the Hide session checkbox.
  11. Click Add session.
Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 6.46.34 PM.png

The created session appears as a card on the calendar view on the session listing page.

Search for a session

  1. Go to Venue Setup > Schedule.
  2. On the session listing page, click on the search icon and enter session or speaker name to search for a particular session. You can also filter the list using the Select Venue and Select Subvenue dropdown.

    Screenshot 2024-04-17 at 6.47.55 PM.png

For a multi-day event, you can also filter by session date using the date tabs. The session date options are listed based on the event start and end date specified at the time of event creation.

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