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How to Enable Reserved Seats for a Hybrid Event in Zuddl

1 min read
While creating a room, you can choose to reserve seats for selected participants in a room. Seats that are reserved appear highlighted. The name of the participants for whom the seat is reserved is displayed when hovered over the seat.

Reserve a seat

To reserve a seat,
  1. Go to Rooms and click on the edit icon for a particular room.
  2. Under the Advanced tab, expand the Reserved seats section.
  3. Click on Edit reservations.

    Reserved Seats.png

  4. Select from the list of participants on the right-side pane. You can search for participants using their names.
  5. Select the checkbox on their name card.

    Note: You can select multiple names at a time. You can clear the checkbox to remove a particpant.

  6. Click Save. The Reserved seats section shows a number that indicates the number of reserved seats.

    Reserved Seats.png

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