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How to Use the Self-serve Mode for a Hybrid Event in Zuddl

2 mins read
he self-serve mode lets you craft the registration and check-in flows for your attendees such that attendees or potential attendees can register and check-in by themselves from a device such as a Tablet, iPad, or others. For instance, you have planned to place a self-service kiosk to handle registrations and check-in at the event location. By enabling the self-serve mode, you can tackle all registration and checkin related process for the attendees at the event location.
To enable the self-serve mode,
  1. On the left navigation, go to Onsite > Check-in app > Self serve setup.
  2. Toggle on Self-serve mode. This displays a list of related options.
    Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 6.19.54 PM.png
  3. Under Self-serve mode password section, enter a numeric password to prevent unauthorized users from exiting the self-serve mode. Click Save PIN.
  4. Under the Options available in self-serve mode section,
    1. Select the Check-in checkbox to allow registered attendees to checkin into the event straight from the kiosk by scanning their registration QR code.
    2. Select the New registrations checkbox to allow interested people to register for the event right at the event location.
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