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How to Skip Ticketing using Custom URLs for In-person Events in Zuddl

2 mins read
Using the skip ticketing feature, you can customize a URL for flex event landing pages, to pre-select a specific ticket and/or coupon. This is done by adding the skip ticketing parameter to the landing page URL (along with the relevant ticket and coupon parameters).
With the skip ticketing parameter added to the URL, the user won’t be able to change the ticket or remove the coupon that is applied this way since the ticket selection step is entirely skipped.
Follow the below steps to create your custom URL:
  1. In the flex event setup, go to Registration > Ticketing. On the ticket that you need to pre-select, click the more options button.

    Find the desired ticket

  2. Here you can find the Ticket ID. Click the copy icon to copy the ID.

    Copy the Ticket ID

  3. Now, go to Registration > Registration page. Here, locate the published landing page for your event, and click the “open in new tab” icon.

    Open the landing page

  4. Here you can access the landing page URL.

    Copy the page URL

  5. To this URL, add a question mark (?) followed by the three parameters, each separated by an ampersand (&):
    1. Ticket ID: This includes the code for the ticket that you want pre-selected.

      Format: ticket_id=32cad739-7c2f-4e4b-bag5-2f413045e4a3
    2. Coupon: This has the ID of the coupon that you want pre-selected. Note that the coupon code is case-sensitive and needs to be entered correctly for it to work.

      Format: coupon=VIPACCESS
      Note: In case the ticket included in the ticket_id parameter is a hidden or locked ticket that is only accessible through a coupon, you need to include the coupon code in the URL.
    3. Skip ticketing: This parameter allows the ticketing selection stage to be skipped, and pre-selects the ticket whose ID has been entered in the URL along with the coupon if available.

      Format: skip_ticketing=true

Here is an example of the assembled URL:

Note: Ensure that you follow the format correctly and use the right combination of ticket ID and coupon to avoid any errors in using the URL.

For cases where the ticket & coupon combination is not valid or if the ticket is no longer available, the user will be unable to proceed.

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