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Widgets, Pages, and Site settings - Reference Guide for a Virtual Events in Zuddl

30 mins read

You can refer detailed reference guide for each component from the tables below:

Getting Started

Learn how to get started with essential widgets available for your landing page:

1.Switch Views13.Editor Overview
2.Sidebar Layout for Desktop14.Launching Your Site Checklist
3.Theme Text15.Row Editor
4.Image Picker16.Column Editor
5.Manage and Import Content17.Site Theme
6.Add Sections18.Theme Colors
7.Arrange Content19.Responsive Tablet
8.Copy and Paste20.Customize Background
9.Quick Access21.Edit by Device
10.Show Hidden Elements

11.Keyboard Shortcuts

12.System Requirements

Widget overview

Learn about the widget overview available for your landing page.

1.Outer and Inner Spacing5.Adding Widgets
2.Inline Editing6.Edit Widgets
3.Add Animations7.Widget Design
4.Blog Widgets8.

Basic widgets

Learn about the basic widgets available for your landing page:

1.Text & Image Widget9.Text Editor
2.List Widget10.Title Widgets
3.Accordion Widget11.Button Widget
4.Tabs Widget12.Floating Buttons
5.Countdown Widget13.Breadcrumbs Widget
6.Copyright Widget14.Table Widget
7.Spacer Widget15.Navigation and Sub-Navigation Links
8.Upload a File16.Upload a File

Site Settings

Learn about the different site settings:

1.Set a Default Site Language9.Site Settings
2.URL Redirects10.Site Icons
3.Privacy Settings11.Backup Sites
4.Site SEO Settings12.Add SSL or HTTPS
5.Fonts Library13.Load Site in an iframe
6.Security Measures14.Header HTML
7.Progressive Web App (PWA)

8.Google Tag Manager Tracking

Pages & pop-ups

Learn about the pages and pop-ups available for your landing page.

1.Pages & pop-ups
2.Publish a Single Page
3.Add a Navigation Folder
4.Pages and Popups

Social widget

Learn about the basic widgets available for your landing page.

1.Facebook Feeds6.Social Icons
2.Facebook Like Button7.WhatsApp Widgets
3.Facebook Comments8.Social Share Widgets
4.Disqus Comments9.X (Twitter) Feeds
5.RSS Feeds

Business widget

Learn about the business widgets available for your landing page.

1.PayPal Button7.Contact Forms
2.Business Hours8.Map Widget
3.Multi Location Widget9.Google Calendar Widget
4.Yelp Reviews10.Click To Call
5.Online Scheduling11.Click to Email
6.Restaurant Menus

Media widget

Learn about the media widgets available for your landing page.

1.Video Widget6.Image Widget
2.Lottie Animation Widgets7.Photo Gallery Widget
3.Before & After Widget8.Media Slider Widget
4.Shape Widgets9.Image Slider Widget
5.Audio Widgets

Advanced widget

Learn about the advanced widgets

HTML Widget

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