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How to Create a Custom Group for your In-person Event in Zuddl

3 mins read
To create a custom group:
  1. Login to the Zuddl dashboard and create an event. Learn more about creating an event.
  2. Go to People > Audience. Click on the + Create custom group button.


  3. On the Create Custom Group form, fill in the necessary details:
    1. Group Name: Enter a group name.
    2. Active group:  The attendees get automatically added to the active group if they match the filtering criteria. Also, the attendees who register after active custom group creation and still fit with the group filtering criteria get added to that group.
    3. Static group: The attendees who match the filter criteria during group creation. A static group is not updated automatically even if attendees that match the filter criteria register later.
    4. Enable access control: Toggle the enable access control to see the new custom groups on the access control page. You can enable/disable this feature anytime later during the process of custom group creation.


  4. Click on the Next button to update the custom group list further.


  5. The attendees can be assigned to different groups, as shown in the All Audience section. To filter the attendees, click on the + Add filter button.
  6. Select any Filter, for example, Status.


  7. The Status filter opens up, allowing you to select True/False. Select True to filter the attendees who have attended the event and False to filter the attendees who did not.


  8. Click the Apply Filters button to see the filtered attendees on the right pane.


  9. You can add more filters and apply AND/OR logic between the filters.


    For example, if you add an Email filter with the condition that the email should have a particular text, the result will be an AND operation on the Status and email filter. The result is shown on the right side pane.


  10. Click the Create group button in the top right corner to create a custom group.
  11. A new Custom groups section in the Audience Groups tab shows the list of custom groups created.


  12. Click on the Enable access control button to enable the access control for the custom group.


  13. You can manage access permission on the custom groups from the Access Control tab.


A custom group name should not be similar to any default group name. Custom groups, once used, cannot be edited or deleted.

If multiple groups are mapped to an attendee, that attendee will inherit a combination of all groups. For example, if an attendee is assigned to groups X and Y, one has lobby access, and the other does not. The attendee would be able to access the lobby.
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