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How to Publish Webinar Recordings for VOD

1 min read

You can now publish your Webinar recordings and present them on your landing page as a video carousel.

Publishing Webinar recording

Follow these steps to publish your webinar recordings to your landing page:

  1. Webinar sessions are automatically recorded when you start and stop the session from Studio. All the recordings can be viewed on the account dashboard under Recordings, and also inside the webinar setup on the Recordings page.

  2. On this page, click the Publish button next to the desired recordings to publish them.

  3. The recordings are now shown on the webinar landing page. Go to Registration > Registration page and click the link button shown below to access the Attendee landing page and the Speaker landing page.

  4. The published recordings are shown on the landing page in the form of a video carousel. Click the arrow buttons to scroll through the recordings and the play button to play the recording.

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