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How to Create a Standard Screen for your In-person Events in Zuddl

3 mins read
You can add a standard screen (different from the default screen) that can be shown to attendees during the registration flow when a specific condition is met. For example, when registration is full or tickets are sold out. You can customize the page to show informational or error messages based on the use case.

To create a standard screen
  1. Log in to your Zuddl dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Registrations > Registration flow.
  3. Inside the registration flow setup, click Advanced settings

  4. Click Customize screens on Standard screens card. This shows the screen setup page with a preview screen on the right and condition selection pane on the left.

  5. Select a particular condition and toggle on Enable screen. Currently, there are two conditions:
  6. On the preview screen, a default text message is shown, which you can customize using a rich-text editor. You can also use merge tags, for fetching event-specific data such as event names. Learn how to use merge tags for standard screens.
  7. You can also edit the CSS elements of the page by clicking the Customize CSS button. 

  8. After you are done customizing your CSS code, click Save.
After creating or editing a standard screen, you must republish the flow. You can also click the preview button to view the entire screen with actual data (not merge tags).

Screen display scenarios

All display scenarios are listed in the table below:
ConditionsToggle state - Registration capacity
Toggle state - Ticket capacity
Screen displayed
Registration capacity reachedONON/OFFStandard screen - Registration capacity

OFFON/OFFDefault page - registration is full screen
Registration and ticket capacity reached

ONON/OFFStandard page - Registration capacity

OFFON/OFFStandard page - Registration capacity
Registration is available but ticket capacity reached
ON/OFFONStandard page - Ticket capacity screen

ON/OFFOFFDefault page - no ticket available screen

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