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Setting up Marketo Base Program

10 mins read

The Marketo Base Program lets you enter a program Id that you can use as a template to create new program with similar properties on Zuddl itself. This way you don’t have to create new programs every time for each event. For setting up a base program, first you must create a Marketo program and then specify the same in the organization-level set up.


You must create a new program in Marketo that will act as template for your future events. To create a base program,

  1. On your Marketo dashboard, go to Marketing Activities.

  2. Under Marketing Activities tab, click New Program.

  3. In the New Program form, enter the following:

    1. Campaign Folder: Select the appropriate folder for the program. You can change this later on the Zuddl dashboard
    2. Name: Enter a suitable name for the program, say “Acme Events”. You can change this later on the Zuddl dashboard.
    3. Program Type: Select Event. This step is critical to the working of this integration. You must only choose Event as program type. You cannot change this field.
    4. Channel: Select a channel as per your requirements. This will be used for subsequent programs.
    5. Description (Optional): Enter a brief description. You can change this later on the Zuddl dashboard.

  4. After you’ve completed the form, click Create. This creates a new program on Marketo.

  5. On the program details page, copy the program Id (numbers between ME and A1) from the URL. For example, if the original program Id is ME1234A1, copy just the numbers in the middle. This program Id is used to connect the program with a Zuddl event.


To enter the base program:

  1. Enter the program ID and click Save.

  2. After your base program ID has been successfully saved, click Finish.

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