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4. Connect Zuddl Onsite App with your Printer

6 mins read
Previous step: Utility App Setup Guide

The Zuddl Onsite app lets you check in your participants at the event venue, and print badges for them.

Ensure that you have organizer or moderator access for the event and that registrations have started.

The printer and the device using the Onsite App must be connected to the same network. Ideally, the iPad/mobile should be connected to the router via WiFi, and the printer should be connected to the same router either via LAN or WiFi.

Install the Onsite by Zuddl app

  1. Download and install the Onsite by Zuddl app from the provided links. Install the Onsite by Zuddl App from Apple Appstore or Android Play Store.Install the app
  2. Log in to the app using your Zuddl account email and the verification code.Use your Zuddl account email

  1. Select your event from the list. All active events are shown in the Live tab.Your Live events

  1. Here you can see the list of registered event participants. You can now check them in and print badges.List of registered attendees



Connect to your printer

  1. Tap the gear icon located at the top right corner to open the settings page.
  2. On the settings page, click on “Select a Printer”.Settings for Printer selection
  3. Ensure the printer is connected to the router and your mobile device/iPad is on the same network.

  4. You should see the printer listed with its IP address. Select the printer.
    WAN Settings.png

Select printer DPI

  1. After selecting the printer, choose the appropriate DPI for your printer. You will have two options:
    • 203 DPI (Choose2rent printer)
    • 300 DPI
  2. Select the DPI based on the printer you are using. 

    Select Printer DPI.png

Open the lead list and test-print some badges to ensure that the printers are working well.

Your printer is now set up, and you can start printing badges for your event.

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