How to Create Surveys for Zuddl In-person Events
Create a Survey
- Login to your dashboard and navigate to Surveys.
Click on the + Create survey button. This redirects you to the three-step process to create a survey, which includes Add survey details, Add questions, and End screen.
Create a survey
Add survey details
You can add the Survey Title and Description here.
- Select the Survey type. You can select:
- Event survey
- Session survey
- Select a session from the Select sessions dropdown. Learn how to add a session.
- Optional. Toggle on Schedule surveys.
- Choose When do you want to publish this survey??
- Before session ends
- After session ends
- Select the Survey timing. Choose timing from the dropdown
- 5 minutes
- 15 minutes
- 30 minutes
- Add custom time. Enter a Custom time (in minutes)
- Click Proceed.
Add questions
Add questions: You can add a question and question type here.
The question type is classified into four types:
- Short text: Ideally used for gathering textual answers and allowing the users to express their thoughts in a brief format.
- Multiple choice: Suitable for single-select answers, this format simplifies the response collection. Options can be listed in a comma-separated format in the Options field.
- Multiple choice - multi-select: Suitable for multi-select answers. Options can be listed in a comma-separated format in the Options field.
Rating: Ideally used to express opinions numerically, using stars or through Likert scales. This provides a structured way to measure satisfaction or agreement levels.
Different question types Note: You can add more questions to the survey by clicking the Add Question button on the top-right corner. You can also delete and swap the questions by dragging them up and down.
Select the Mandatory checkbox to make the questions mandatory to answer.
Mandatory questions End Screen: Surveys can be ended with a message. Toggle on the Button option to customize the button text and specify a URL. The attendees are redirected to another page upon clicking the button.
End screen Click on the Proceed button to finish creating the event survey. You can create multiple surveys and view the survey list.
Survey list The Survey list contains attributes like Name & date, Questions, Responses, and Status.
By the creation of a survey, two tabs appear: Event surveys and Session surveys. Surveys appear in their respective tabs based on type of session you create.
Publishing a Survey
- Organizer Dashboard
- Event backstage/Studio backstage
- Attendee side
Publishing from the Organizer Dashboard
Initially, the survey is in the Inactive state until you publish it. Click on the Publish button to make the survey live for your attendees. Once published, it changes to Active, and responses can be viewed.
Publishing from backstage
Organizers can also publish the surveys from the backstage.
Backstage You can also view the active survey responses backstage by clicking the View Details button.
View attendee responses
Publishing from the attendee side
Click on the Surveys tab to see all the available surveys. You can click the Publish Survey button and make the survey active on the attendee side. You can click on the End survey button to end the survey and stop taking responses from the attendees.
Managing Surveys
On Inactive surveys, you can click the triple dot menu on the right side to Edit or Delete a survey.
Only Inactive surveys can be edited. Once responses have been recorded, surveys can't be edited. Edit or Delete Survey You can click on the triple dot menu on the right side for Active and Completed surveys to view the responses.
View attendee responses Click on the View Responses button to view the results.
View results
Attendee side functionality of Surveys:
Attendees can click the Go to Survey button to answer the questions.
Go to survey The Submit Survey button is enabled only when all the mandatory questions are answered.
Answer questions When the attendee clicks on the Submit Survey button, they are shown the End screen that you have configured in the organizer dashboard.
End Screen