How to Build an Email for a Field Event in Zuddl
- Click on Edit email. This opens the editor page.
You can use widgets from the left navigation option, such as Title, Image, Buttons, and more, to customize the design of the email entirely.
- Once you create the email, click the Save button. Alternatively, you can click Save and exit to save it for a one-time use or click Save as a template to keep it as a template that can be reused later.
You can click Revert to the Original to reset your changes to the original template or click Edit email to go back to editing.
Important Note
For example, if your Registration confirmation email was toggled on, it gets turned off when the event dates are modified. You will be notified of this change via a popup.
How to customize email
- Merge tags
- Special links
How to use Merge Tags
- Select any text variable enclosed in the blue dotted box.
- Click on the Merge tags option on the rich-text toolbar.
Note: A blue dotted box represents a merge tag in a template.
Select the desired merge tag from the list.
You can also add more merge tags by following the same steps. However, ensure that your cursor is in the right place. The types of special links are shown in the below table:
Merge tags name | Description | HTML tag | Used for | Audience | Display conditions |
User name | The full name of the attendee/speaker | {{userName}} | All event | Attendees & speakers | N/A |
First name | The first name of the user | {{firstName}} | All event | Attendees & speakers | N/A |
Last name | The last name of the user | {{lastName}} | All event | Attendees & speakers | N/A |
Event name | The name of the event | {{eventName}} | All event | Attendees & speakers | N/A |
Event start date | The set start date of the event | {{eventStartDate}} | All event | Attendees & speakers | N/A |
Event start time | The set start time of the event | {{eventStartTime}} | All event | Attendees & speakers | N/A |
Event start date time | Even start date and time (shown together) | {{eventStartDateTime}} | All event | Attendees & speakers | N/A |
Event end date time | Even end date and time (shown together) | {{eventEndDateTime}} | All event | Attendees & speakers | N/A |
Timezone | The event timezone | {{timeZone}} | All event | Attendees & speakers | N/A |
Timezone short | The event timezone in short form | {{timeZoneShort}} | All event | Attendees & speakers | N/A |
QR code | QR code for check-in. Requires a display condition. | {{qrCode}} | Hybrid and In-person | Attendees & speakers | QR code |
QR code Image | QR code image. Requires a display condition. | {{qrCodeImgSrc}} | Hybrid and In-person | Attendees & speakers | QR code |
Event logo | Event logo (if added). Requires a display condition. | {{eventLogo}} | All event | Attendees & speakers | Event link |
Event type | Type of event: Virtual, In-person, or Hybrid. Requires a display condition. | {{eventType}} | All event | Attendees & speakers | NA |
Ticket name | Name of the ticket for the attendee. Requires a display condition. | {{ticketName}} | Ticketed event | Only attendees. Must have a ticket | Ticket type (Ticketed event) Edit registration link (Ticketed event) |
Ticket amount | Total ticket amount. Requires a display condition. | {{ticketAmount}} | Ticketed event | Only attendees. Must have a ticket | Ticket type (Ticketed event) Edit registration link (Ticketed event) |
Transaction ID | Transaction ID of the purchase. Requires a display condition. | {{transactionId}} | Ticketed event | Only attendees. Must have a ticket with a transaction | Transaction id (Ticketed event) |
Add-on summary | If any add-ons have been added to a ticket. The description/summary & details are shown in the email. Requires a display condition. | {{addOnSummary}} | Ticketed event | Only attendees. Must have a ticket with add-ons | Edit registration link (Ticketed event) Add-on purchased (Add-on available) |
Sponsor name | If booth owners/sponsors have been added, the same is displayed on the email. Requires a display condition. |
Adding merge tags manually
Field type | Field name | Merge tag format |
Standard field | Title | {{registration.designation}} |
Company | {{}} | |
Phone | {{registration.phoneNumber}} | |
Country | {{}} |
Email preview - Organizer edit | Actual attendee email |
You can directly use these email merge tags in your communication emails in rows paragraph elements. You can add/edit display conditions to only show fields based on specific conditions. If multiselect fields will show values in comma-separated format.
How to use special links
The types of special links are shown in the below table:
Special link | Description | Used for |
Go to event | Use this to add an event hyperlink to your email. | All users |
Calendar invite link | Use this to add to calendar links for Apple, Outlook, Google, and Yahoo email. When a user clicks on any calendar invite link, it opens the Create Event page in the respective calendar. | All users |
Edit registration details | Allows attendees or purchaser to edit registration details. Used mainly for registration confirmation email | Attendees |
Modify registration details | Allows purchaser to edit registration details. Used mainly for registration confirmation email | Attendees |
Unsubscribe email link | Mandatory link. An option for users to unsubscribe from Zuddl emails. You cannot save an email without this link. | All users |