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How to Use Custom Email Builder for a Zuddl Webinar

2 mins read


Edit emails using HTML

Use the email builder

You can customize every email template available on Zuddl in two ways: by editing the HTML code of the template or by using the email builder.

Edit emails using HTML

You can edit the HTML code directly for the default Zuddl email templates to customize them. Toggle on the template you want to edit and click Customize HTML to open the code editor.

Customize the HTML code for your email

Edit the HTML code to customize your email.

editing HTML of your email

After you’ve made changes to the code, click Save email to save it as a template.

To restore the original email template, click Revert to Original. To make more changes to the template, click Customize HTML.

Review your changes by clicking Test email, which sends a custom email to your registered email address.

Use the email builder

The email builder lets your completely overhaul the email and custom-design it as you need.

On the template settings page, click Use email builder to open the editor.

Use widgets to add blocks like Title, Images, Buttons and more from the sidebar on the right to design your email.

Once you are done with your designs, click Save. Your updated email will be visible in the template preview.

Save your changes or the email templates will automatically revert to default.

Changing the date or time in the email does not change the webinar's actual date or time.

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