How to Customize the Navigation
Navigation is a crucial item that helps users move through the app, access different features, and interact with content.
To edit the navigation menu, the setup allows you edit the page and as you make the changes you can preview it on the preview page.
Steps to follow
To customize the Navigation item, follow these steps:
Click on the Pages feature on the left side nav. This redirects you to the default setup of Navigation and Menu items. The Navigation tab comprises of three default pages, which can be customized, deleted, or reorganized.
Click + button to add pages to Navigation.
The maximum number of pages the bottom bar can accommodate is five, including four navigation pages and a menu. If you try to add more than five pages to the bottom bar, it shows an error message, as shown below. -
To customize a page, click on the page and edit the details on the right side pane. For example, to edit the Home page, click Home on the right side pane and turn ON/OFF the toggle button to unhide/hide the Home page.
Edit the Page name and select an Icon.
Upload an image of 1080 x 1920 dimensions, which supports JPG, JPEG, PNG, and GIF up to 4 MB.
Additionally, you can click on the Add hotspot button to add a hotspot on the Home page. Hotspots can be configured differently for the mobile app and the web app.
By clicking the triple dot more options, you can view the options to Duplicate or Delete the page.
Once you’ve created all the pages, you can arrange the order of the pages to reorganize them.