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How to Create a New Third-party Event on Zuddl

3 mins read

To create a new event on Zuddl:

  1. On the Home page (event listing), click New third party eventThis redirects you to the Create an Event page.

Add event details

  1. Add an Event Name (of up to 50 characters). This event name is displayed on the event listing and registration page.
  2. Add an Event description (of up to 2000 characters).
  3. Select a starting (Starts on) and ending (Ends on) date and time for your event from the date and time picker.
  4. Enter the event location details under Event venue, say 'Madison Square Garden, NY, USA'. The other associated fields such as street name, state, country, and zip code automatically appears with the relevant data. 

  5. Choose a suitable timezone for the event from the Time zone dropdown.

  6. Click Create Event.

And that’s it — you’ve created a third-party event!

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