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How to Manage Speaker Tiles in Studio for your Zuddl Event

1 min read

In Studio, you can customize the speaker tiles shown and the content displayed on the tiles.

  1. In Studio, go to the Extras tab Speaker tiles. Here, Show speaker titles is enabled by default.
    Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 1.48.50 PM-min
  2.  In this section, you can customize what details to show for the speaker tiles, and reorder the content between the primary and secondary labels as required.
    1. The Primary label shows the Name. From the drop-down, choose whether to display the name as First name only or Full name.
    2. The Secondary label show other details like Title and Company. Turn these off or on as required.
  3. The Highlight active speakers toggle adds a highlight to speakers when they speak. Turn this off or on as required.
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