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How to Modify Registration Fields for Attendees in Bulk through CSV

8 mins read

While Zuddl allows you to modify registration values of registration form fields for each attendee, modifying in bulk via CSV lets you easily and quickly make corrections for all attendees together in one go. Modification can be done for all custom form fields, including hidden fields.

What can't be modified
You cannot modify registration fields such as:
- Standard fields: First name, Last name, and email
- Session picker
- Tickets and Add-on


To modify a CSV

  1. Go to People > Attendees.
  2. Expand the CSV dropdown button and select Modify CSV.
  3. On the Modify screen, select a registration flow.

  4. Select the fields to be modified from the Fields dropdown. The fields from all forms in your registration flow are shown in the following manner.

    You can quickly identify a hidden fields by the label beside it. 
  5. Click on Download CSV file to modify link to download the CSV file to edit the data. This downloads a CSV file (namely custom-fields.csv).

  6. This downloads the CSV file that contains the only selected fields for each email address. Make the required corrections to the file for the custom fields.
    You should not make any changes to the email column.

    There are a few instructions you must keep in mind while preparing the CSV file.

    - Email is a mandatory field and should not be removed from the CSV file.

    - Hidden fields are highlighted as {hidden field}.

    - You can choose to ignore blank cells or to be updated with blank values.

    - Columns must be in the same order and header labels must not be edited.

    - The CSV file can have up to 2000 entries and must be less than 1 MB.

  7. On the Import modified CSV file action area, click Browse and select the modified CSV file from your device. This imports the file to your dashboard.

  8. After the file has been imported successfully, click Import modified CSV.

Import scenarios

The different import scenarios are explained in the following sections

SuccessWhen the CSV file has been successfully imported and the field data is updated for all the attendees in the file.
CSV successfully imported toast message. The custom field values for the registrants are auto-updated everywhere in Zuddl.
PartialA CSV file is partially imported when some attendee details were correctly updated and imported whereas some updates were incorrectly made and therefore not imported. 

Clicking on Access Import Logs button will show the error.
FailureWhen the none of the  rows in the CSV file has been imported.

Blank fields in CSV
If there are blank fields in the CSV file, you are shown the option ignore or update with blank values as shown below

Maximum modification limit
You can modify up to a maximum of 2000 rows in the CSV file.
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