How to Add a Hotel for your In-person Event on Zuddl
To add a hotel
- Click Add a hotel button.
- Enter a Hotel name.
- Add Hotel details such as hotel location, additional information, hotel image, etc.
- Click Add hotel.
When you add a hotel, a room is automatically added with pre-filled default data.Only single room is added for each hotel - The following details appear in the Rooms tab:
- Room type
- Hotel ID
- Room ID
Booking dates
Under Booking dates section, specify the booking dates:
- Earliest check-in date: The required date of check-in to the hotel for attendees
- Latest check-out date: The required date of check-out from the hotel for attendees.
Attendees can only choose a suitable date between these booking dates for check-in & check-out.
Preselection of dates
It is important to understand the preselection of dates for attendees. For instance, lets say the event start date is 2nd December 2024 and event end date is 24 December 2024. The following are the possible scenarios.
Scenario | Booking check-in date (dashboard) | Booking check-out date (dashboard) | Preselected check-in date (for attendees) | Pre-selected check-out date (for attendees) |
1 | Default (1 December) | Default (24 December) | Default (1 December) | Default (24 December) |
2 | Before event start date (30 November) | Any date (15 December) | Default (1 December) | Set date (15 December) |
3. | After event start date (3 December) | Any date (14 December) | Set date (3 December) | Set date (14 December) |
The created hotels are shown on the list. You can reorder the list.
Hotel availability
You can also configure the hotel's availability based on certain criteria. You can toggle on Hotel is available to everyone to allow all registrants to view the hotel. Alternatively, you can select the Selected invite list only checkbox to limit access to the selected invite list.
You can select the desired invite lists from the dropdown or select the All invite lists checkbox, which allows invitees across invite lists to view this hotel. Learn how to create invite lists.