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How to Edit the Global Email Templates

2 mins read

All the templates you save as global templates from the email builder.

To edit a global template:

  1. Login to your Zuddl dashboard.
  2. On your dashboard homepage, click on Templates on the left navigation.

    All the global templates are shown in the list here. Learn how to save an event email communication as global templates.
  3. Search for the global template you wish to edit. You can also filter the list based on the events. By selecting an event, all templates are shown; event-level and global templates.

    The templates are sorted by their creation date. The events that are using the templates are also labeled beside each global template.
  4. Click on the more option button to view the actions:
    • Edit: The edit option takes you through the usual email editing flow with the Test email and Edit HTML code option. Learn how to edit HTML code for email.
    • Preview: Shows the actual interactive preview of the email.
    • Delete: Deletes the email template. Deleting does not remove the email created using the template, only deletes the template for further use.

  5. Click Edit and on the email editing page, click Edit HTML code to make changes to the HTML code of the email template. 

  6. Click Save. This saves your edits to the global template.

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