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How to Brand the Registration Page of your Zuddl Webinar

2 mins read
To customize the branding for your registration page:
  1. Login to your Zuddl dashboard and create a webinar. Learn more about creating a webinar.
  2. Go to Registration > Registration page > Branding.
  3. Select a Primary color for the buttons.
  4. Select a Secondary color for the text on top of the button.

  5. Upload your Brand Logo of 200x200 pixels in a .png file up to 4 MB. Drag and drop the image or browse from your device.

  6. To customize the cover media, turn off the Use Default Background toggle and click the Upload banner or the + Upload cover media button on the right.

  7. An upload banner form opens on the right, wherein you can upload an Image or Video. Upload an image with dimensions of 720x344 px. Use JPEG, JPG, PNG, or GIF up to 1 MB and click the Save button.

  8. If you select Video as the banner type, choose the source of the video using the source drop-down menu and upload the video with dimensions of 1920x1080. Use MP4 or MOV up to 4 MB.

  9. If you select the source as From URL, copy and paste the URL link in the Video URL text box and click the Save button.

  10. Once you upload an image or a video on the banner, you can see the cover media added to the Registration page.

  11. Click Sections to see the different sections of the registration page. Toggle off the section if you don't want to show it.

You can use your cover image or banner to:

  1. Highlight your speakers.
  2. Describe what your webinar is about.
  3. Mention the date and time (people pay more attention to images than the text below).
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