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Import Registrant Data from Salesforce to Zuddl for an Event in Zuddl

5 mins read

Salesforce is a CRM that equips sales, marketing, service, and admin teams with the customer information required to administer interactions with them. The Salesforce—Zuddl integration lets you import campaign members in Salesforce as registrants to a Zuddl event/webinar.


The Salesforce integration can be split into two main steps:

  • Global-level integration - Installing Salesforce
  • Event-level integration


In case your organization requires you to create a special user with required permissions for integration purposes. You must create an API-only user profile in your Salesforce with Modify All Data or Modify All permissions. Learn how to create an API-only user profile.

Install the app

The following steps show how to install Salesforce on Zuddl.

You can skip this step if you’ve already installed the Salesforce integration to export Zuddl registrants to Salesforce.

On the Zuddl common dashboard,

  1. Click on Integrations on the left navigation.
  2. On the Salesforce card, click on the View Details button.
  3. Inside the Salesforce integration details page, click Install app.
  4. On the Salesforce authentication window, click on New authentication.
  5. On the Create a new authentication page, enter the following details and click Create.
    1. Your authentication name: A unique name for you and Zuddl to identify your authentication.
    2. Salesforce instance type: Select  Production or Sandbox to authenticate your Salesforce production or sandbox instance with Zuddl. Use the Sandbox instance to test the integration and later authenticate your production instance.

      Create a New Auth.png

      If you wish to test the integration on your sandbox instance, you can authenticate for the first time by selecting the Sandbox instance. Later, if you want to connect your Salesforce production instance, you need to uninstall and reinstall the app to (from the common dashboard) create a new authentication for your Production instance.

  6. Click Allow to grant access to the required permissions on the consent screen.

    Consent Page.png

  7. In the Lead Source field, enter a value for the lead source in Salesforce whenever a lead is created through the integration. This defaults to Events.  You can change it to ‘Webinar’ as required.

    Lead Source.png

  8. Click Finish. This creates the authentication for your Salesforce instance.

Once the installation is done and the authentication is successful, you must set up the event-level integration for every event/webinar individually to establish this data flow.

How it works

The Salesforce to Zuddl integration requires a Salesforce Campaign to import campaign members as registrants into a Zuddl event/webinar. You can link any Salesforce campaign to a Zuddl event/webinar for the integration to import registrants from. You can add multiple campaigns as the source. The integration imports all the campaign members as registrants to your Zuddl event/webinar.

The registrants appear in People > Attendees with the status “Registered.”


  • The integration imports all the existing and new members added to the Campaign as registrations into Zuddl.
  • The integration does not import any registrant email address from Salesforce already in the Zuddl event/webinar.

Event-level integration


Before you enable the event-level integration, ensure that the “Event invitation” email for attendees has been toggled on from the Communication menu. Without this enablement, registrants will not receive any event invitation.  

Event Invitation.png

Learn how to set up email communication for your event.

Learn how to set up email communication for your webinar

In Salesforce, you can leverage the Campaigns object to track event-level data from Zuddl. To receive registrant details, a Zuddl event/webinar must be tied to a Salesforce campaign. A campaign ID links a Zuddl event/webinar with a Salesforce campaign.

  1. Inside the Zuddl dashboard, go to Integrations.
  2. On the Salesforce integration card, click Customize in the Import section. The Import section shows a Disabled status before turning on the integration.


  3. Toggle on the integration. This enables the integration settings.

    Sync Now Button.png

    A new Salesforce lead is added as an event/webinar registrant in Zuddl. Under the Lead custom fields tab, map any custom Salesforce lead fields to suitable custom fields in your Zuddl registration form.


    A Zuddl registration form with all the required fields must be created before you start with the mapping.

    • Select a custom field in the Zuddl registration fields dropdown.
    • Choose a suitable Lead field from the Lead fields dropdown.
    • Lead Custom Field Options.png

  4. Click the +Add field to add map more fields in the same way.
  5. Click Save.

    For the registrants who have already been synced to Zuddl, it is important to map the custom Contact fields in Salesforce to the custom registration form fields in Zuddl to ensure that updated field values are passed to your event/webinar.

    You can also pass campaign member fields to Zuddl using this mapping.

    Under the Contact custom fields tab, map any custom fields added to your Salesforce instance to suitable registration form fields in Zuddl.  


    A Zuddl registration form with all the required fields must be created before you start with the mapping.

    • Select a field in the Contact fields dropdown.
    • Choose a suitable custom field from the Zuddl registration fields dropdown.
    • Contact Custom Field Options.png

  6. Click +Add field to add map more fields in the same way.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Next, on your Salesforce instances, go to the campaign page. The URL of the campaign page contains the campaign ID. Copy the campaign ID from the Salesforce URL.

    Campaign ID.png

  9. Paste the copied campaign ID on the Campaign ID field and click Save.

    Enter Campaign ID.png

All existing campaign members and new members added to the campaign are registered for the Zuddl event/webinar.


  1. Ensure that Zuddl and Salesforce object fields have compatible data types. If fields with incorrect data types are mapped, data could be lost.
  2. Once the integration is turned on, its status changes to Active on the Import section, as shown below.

Integration Active.png

More options

For each campaign Id, there are additional options, as explained below:

  • Edit: This option lets you edit a previously entered campaign Id. This stops importing campaign members from the old campaign and starts from the other campaign. The registrant imported so far by the previous campaign Id does not get deleted.
  • Delete: This deletes the campaign and stops importing from the same. Deleting a campaign from Salesforce does delete the existing registrants in Zuddl.
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