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1. Install HubSpot on Zuddl

2 mins read
Previous step: Prerequisite

To install HubSpot on Zuddl,

  1. Log in to your Zuddl dashboard > Integration > HubSpot.
  2. On the HubSpot card, click View details.
  3. Inside the Hubspot integration page, Click Install app, which initiates the HubSpot authentication process.


  4. On the HubSpot Authentication page, click Add a new Account (the last dropdown option) to add a new HubSpot account. This initiates the authentication process for the new HubSpot account.
  5. Enter your authentication name on the Create a new authentication page.


  6. If you already have a HubSpot account, click the Sign in to your HubSpot account button. If not, click the Create a new HubSpot account button.


  7. On the authentication screen, choose the HubSpot account you wish to connect to Zuddl.


  8. Select the disclaimer checkbox on the consent page and click the Connect app button.


    This step completes the authentication process of your HubSpot account on Zuddl and redirects you to the Zuddl flow.

  9. Click the Next button.


  10. From the HubSpot>Zuddl Registration Public URL field, copy the URL and store it securely.


  11. Select the 'Create new contact if it does not exist' checkbox.
  12. Click Finish. This step completes the installation.
After installation, you must map Zuddl fields to HubSpot at the org level.

Next step: Contact fields mapping

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