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How to Add a Merchant Account for your Virtual Event in Zuddl
4 mins read
With a merchant account, you can securely accept payments from your registrants for your ticketed events.
A merchant account lets you securely accept payments from your registrants for your ticketed events. A merchant account can be created only by the organization's admin.
To add a merchant account, follow these steps:
On the Zuddl dashboard, click on General settings.
- Click on the Merchant Account tab. It displays all the approved/pending merchant accounts.
- Click Add merchant account.
- On the Add merchant account form, enter the following details.
- Enter the Name (up to 100 characters)
- Select the type of Currency
- Under the Payment gateway, choose a payment gateway from the dropdown; 'Stripe' or 'Cybersource'. The required options changes based on the selection.
- Enter the Stripe Public Key
- Enter the Stripe Secret Key
If you are using restricted keys from Stripe instead of the Public and Secret key then make sure the following permissions are given to the restricted key:
1. Payment Intents : Write
2. Webhook Endpoints : Write
3. Charges : Write
- If you've selected Cybersource, enter the following:
- Merchant ID
- Rest API key
- Rest API shared secret
You can find these details in your Cybersource dashboard.
- Enter the Fixed charges and Variable charges.
- Select Tax included in the bill or Tax excluded from the bill
Optional: Enter Tax rate, Tax ID, and Tax name
You cannot modify the Name, Public Key, Secret Key, and Tax details once approved. However, the fixed and variable charges can only be changed.
- After making all the changes, click on the Add account button.
- Once you've created the merchant account, it shows up as pending in the list of created merchant accounts.
You can reach out to the Zuddl team via email to approve the created merchant account details.
Manage merchant accounts
You can manage the merchant accounts by clicking on the edit and delete buttons:
Go to the General settings page and click the edit button beside the payment details to Edit the merchant account details.
- Click on the trash can button to Delete the merchant account permanently.
For every transaction, Zuddl shows the purchase authentication (such OTP verification) completely based on whether it is required by the merchant account or not. For instance, for a particular card transaction on Zuddl, Cybersource asks for an OTP-based verification, Zuddl shows the OTP screen for user authentication.
Its highly recommended to not switch merchant account for a particular event as it deletes all your existing tickets and coupons.
Event side
- On the Zuddl dashboard, create a new flex event. Learn more about creating an event.
On the left side nav of the organizer dashboard, go to Registration>Ticketing and Settings. The approved merchant accounts are shown here.
You can easily identify the merchant accounts by their logo.