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How to Approve Registrants using Flow for an In-person Event in Zuddl

17 mins read

The approval flow requires attendees to go through an approval process where they wait for the organizer's approval before moving to the next step. The configuration of the approval flow is different for ticketed and non-ticketed events. In this article, we will learn how to configure approval for both types of events.

Ticketed events

To add the approval step for ticketed events,

  1. In the event setup, go to Registration > Registration flow and select the desired flow. Learn how to create a registration flow.
  2. Drag the approved step from the left navigation and add it to the flow.

    Form and ticket selection are mandatory to add the Approval required step. The approval step can only be added after the ticket step. If there are branches in the flow, the organizer also needs to change the go-to field in branching from the order page to the approval flow.

After you've published the registration flow with the approval step, you can start approving registrants as you receive the requests.

Non-ticketed events

You can configure the registration flows to approve or reject registrants as required. Follow these steps to set up approvals:

  1. In the event setup, go to Registration > Registration flow and select the desired flow.
  2. Click Advanced settings. In the settings, toggle on Attendee registration approval. This adds an approval step in the flow.
  3. If registrations have already started before you enable approvals, all previously registered attendees remain unaffected, and only new requests must be approved. If you turn off approvals while there are pending registration requests, you can resolve them in 3 ways: approve all requests, decline all requests, or keep them pending and approve them later as required.

Adding standard screens

Inside Advanced settings, click Standard screens > Customize screens. Here, you can find the screen for Registration approvals. This screen is shown to registrants once they finish the registration process. You can customize the content here as required using merge tags.
std screen approvals

You can also add the Ticket sold-out screen for ticketed events. This is only available for ticketed events.

All attendees who register using this flow must be approved or rejected. The flow now shows the Registration approval required tag.

Attendee side

During the registration, after the purchaser has filled up the attendee details and clicked the Register Now button, on the order summary page, a banner is shown to registrant that informs them about approval.

At the bottom, after the attendee details, they will also see a Submit for approval button. The attendee can proceed to checkout only after an organizer's approval. They will be shown a customized standard screen for approval-based flows, as shown below:

In case there are multiple tickets, and one of them needs approval, a label is shown on the attendee details page for the attendee that requires approval.

If there are forms after the approval form in the registration flow, the registrant will be redirected to that form. This behavior is the same with branches. Registrants can neither go back to the previous step nor are they shown the Edit registration button. All details filled in before the approval step remain uneditable after the request has been approved.
Auto-filling of form fields will only work until a transaction is submitted for approval, it does not work if there are forms after approval. 

Managing approvals

To manage approvals, 

  1. Go to People > Attendees > Approvals tab. Here, you can see all registrants who have raised an approval request, the registration flow they used, and the number of tickets.  

  2. Search for the desired registrant by applying filters.

  3. Click Approve to approve the registration request or Reject to reject it.
    The user can still attempt registering again and raise request for this event.
  4. To approve an attendee, click the Approve button and then click Approve request on the confirmation pop-up. If the registration approval email is not turned on, you would need to first turn that on.

    If the registration approval email is not turned on, you would need to first turn that on.

  5. By clicking on a particular request, you can view the registration details of the registrant such as NameEmailTicketForm fields etc. For bulk transactions, the registration details of all registrants are also shown as below:

    by clicking the Approve all, all the registrants in the transaction will be approved.
    Once the ticket is approved, it will be reserved and available for purchase for 72 hours for the attendee. If the attendee/purchaser does not complete the transactions within the given timeframe, they will be made available to the public.
If some tickets need approval and some don't in a transaction, clicking on the Approve all button approves all requests at once.

If the attendee is approved, they are added to the Approved tab, and a Registration approval email is sent to the attendee. If rejected, they are added to the Rejected tab, and the Registration rejected email is sent.

Under the Approved tab, you can click on more options to take further actions for a particular registrant such as Reject an approved request and Resend the email to the registrant.

You can approve a previously rejected requests from the Rejected tab.

Managing communications

There are three email communications used for approvals

  • Registration pending approval
  • Registration approved
  • Registration rejected

Pending approval email

When a registration request is raised, it first goes to the approval Pending status. This email is used for ticketed and non-ticketed events.

Registration approved

A registration-approved email is sent to the purchaser whose ticket you've approved. This email is not sent for a non-ticketed flow as the registrants are approved to become attendees directly.

If multiple tickets are in a transaction, the registration approval email is sent to the attendee who requires ticket approval.

The email includes a button for the registrants to Complete registration. To link this button to your registration page, edit the email and paste the link of your registration page in the URL field for the button. Click Save to save your changes.

This step is mandatory. Entering your registration page URL in the URL field ensures that registrants are redirected to the correct page and can complete the registration.

By clicking on the Complete registration button in the email, registrants/purchasers can proceed with the registration and be redirected to the order summary page.

On the order summary page, after the registrant clicks Continue, they can checkout and complete the registration. 

Non-ticketed flow
For non-ticketed events, the Registration confirmation email is sent as the registrant becomes an attendee after approval.

After they complete the registration, they are shown this standard screen. You can customize this standard screen using CSS. Learn how to use standard screen.

This standard screen is shown even when a registrant accidentally clicks the complete registration button after registering.

Registration rejected

People whose registration request is rejected are sent the Registration rejected email. This email is used for ticketed and non-ticketed events. You can review and edit this email from Communication > Standard > Registration rejected.

For non-ticketed events, the registration approval email will not be triggered. Once approved, Zuddl sends the registration confirmation email.

Frequently asked question
Refer to the FAQs to learn about some edge cases related to ticket approval flow. 
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