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How Cart Items are Calculated in Zuddl

14 mins read

The cart is where registrants store their items before purchase. This article explains how Zuddl calculates cart totals using ticketing features like discounts and coupons. Understanding these calculations will help you make the most of Zuddl's ticketing features. We'll cover all possible checkout scenarios and present cart calculations in easy-to-follow tables.

The currency used for calculation is the US dollar or ‘ $’.

Adding a single ticket

Let’s consider the most basic scenario of a user buying two tickets for an event of a particular event type — ‘Early bird‘ for $ 100.

TicketPrice (in $)QuantityTotal ticket amount
Early bird$ 1002$ 200

Sub-total$ 200

When the user adds one additional ticket type to the cart, a ‘Premium‘ ticket for $400, the total amount due for the user is the sum of all individual tickets.

TicketPrice (in $)QuantityTotal ticket amount
Early bird$ 1002$ 200
Premium$ 4001$ 400

Sub-total$ 600

Adding add-ons

Add-ons can be anything extra you wish to sell to your registrant along with event tickets, it could be exclusive access to a paid session, a free session, or even some event goodie. Learn how to configure add-ons.

So let’s consider that you created two add-ons in the dashboard; one is a ‘Certification session‘ of $ 200 and other an ‘Event goodie‘ of $ 100 for your registrants.

After the purchaser has selected the number of tickets for each ticket type and entered the attendee details, the purchaser proceeds to select add-ons for each attendee.

The cart calculation happens according to the add-ons selected for each attendee. The table shows the cart calculation when a purchaser selects add-ons for the attendees.

AttendeeAttendee nameAdd-onPrice
1Vishal KumarCertification session$ 200
2Amber DasEvent goodie
$ 100
3Lee SungCertification session ($200) + Event hoodie ($100)
$ 300
4Jack Wringer

Total add-ons$ 600

Sub-total (Add-ons + Tickets)

Note that the purchaser has selected add-ons for 3 out of 4 attendees, namely, Vishal Kumar, Amber Das, and Lee Sung, but didn’t assign any add-ons to Jack Wringer.

Applying discount/coupon - without stacking

Both bulk and bundle discounts can be applied to a single ticket type or to all ticket types, depending on how you configure it. Learn how to configure discounts.

In the following section, we will learn about the cases where stacking is disabled. When stacking is disabled, the system auto-applies the discount that gives the maximum value to the registrant.

Bulk discount - Percentage

A bulk discount is offered when customers buy in bulk or meet a minimum purchase amount. For instance, you created 2 bulk discount conditions: ‘Buy 2 get 15%’ and ‘Buy 2 get 10%’ on your Zuddl dashboard. Let’s consider you’ve configured a discount that gives Percentage discount instead of the ticket Amount.

bulk discount

For the discount criteria ‘If purchaser selects’ you’ve chosen ‘Early bird’ ticket type.

bulk discount 2

The cart calculation is as shown below:

Price (in $)Add-ons (refer above table for calculations)Total cart amountDiscounts/CouponsDiscount amount
Early bird (x2)$ 200

Premium (x1)$ 400

Total ticket
$ 600
 Total Add-on
$ 600

$ 1200
  • Discount - Buy 2 get 15%
  • Discount Buy 2 get 10%
$ 180
($ 1200*15%)

Sub-total (after discounts)$ 1020 ($ 1200 - $ 180)

As you can see from the table, only the maximum discount is applied to the Total cart amount. Lesser value discounts are not applied but are shown in the list of discounts.

Bulk discount - nominal

Let’s consider you’ve configured a discount that gives an Amount (nominal) discount instead of a Percentage.

nominal 1

For the discount criteria ‘If purchaser selects’, you’ve chosen ‘Early bird’ ticket type.

nominal 2

The cart calculation is shown below:

TicketPrice (in $)Discount/CouponsDiscount amountTotal ticket price (after discount)
Early bird ( x2 )
$ 200
  • Discount - Buy 2 get flat $200 off
  • Discount Buy 2 get 15%
$ 200$ 0
Premium ( x1 )
$ 400

$ 400

(refer above table for calculations)

$ 600

$ 600

Sub-total (after discount)$1000

Note that, nominal discount is applied to only the the line item — Early bird tickets. Additionally, lesser value discounts are not applied but are shown in the list of discounts.

Discount amount greater than ticket amount

If the nominal discount offered is greater than the ticket value, after discount is applied on the eligible ticket value, the remainder of discount amount is applied to the next ticket types.

TicketPrice (in $)Discount/CouponsDiscount amountTotal ticket price (after discount)
Early bird ( x2 )$ 200- Discount - Buy 2 get flat $400 off
- Discount Buy 2 get 15%
$ 400($ 200 - $ 400) = $ 0

(remaining discount balance of $ 200)
Premium ( x1 )
$ 400
$ 200 (discount balance)$ 200 ($ 400 - $ 200)
Add-ons (refer above table for calculations)
$ 600

$ 600

Sub-total (after discount)$ 800

Bundle discount

Bundle discount is applied when customers purchase a specific combination or quantity of items together. Let’s consider a case where you’ve created a bundle discount Buy 2 get 2 free on the Zuddl event dashboard.

Unlike bulk discounts, where the behavior varies for nominal and percentage discounts, bundle discounts are always calculated at the line item level, not the cart level. So, the percentage and nominal discount amount will only be applied to the applicable ticket type.

Now, if the user adds four Early bird tickets, the bundle discount (Buy 2 get 2 free) will be applied, and the cost of 2 tickets(i.e. $200) will be discounted from the total ticket value.

TicketPrice (in $)Discounts/CouponsDiscount amountTotal ticket price  (after discount)
Early bird (x4)$ 400- Discount - Buy 2 get 2 free
Discount Buy 2 get 15% -
- Discount Buy 2 get 1 free
$ 200
$ 200
Premium (x1)$ 400

$ 400
Add-ons (refer above table for calculations)$ 600

$ 600

Sub-total (after discount)$ 1200

If there are other discount conditions that offer lesser discount, they are not applied but are shown in the list of discounts.

Coupons - percentage

Similar to discounts, coupons can also applied to the entire cart amount or individual ticket types, based on how you configure it. Learn how to add coupons from your Zuddl dashboard.

Now, let's consider that you’ve configured a coupon NEWHERE20 eligible for all Premium ticket type. During registration, the purchaser after selecting add-ons, enters the promo code ‘NEWHERE20’ in the promo code text box.

The cart calculation changes based on the discount type used.

For percentage discount type, the percentage is calculated at line item- level (ticket-level).

TicketPrice (in $)Discounts/CouponsDiscount amountTotal ticket price (after discount)
Early bird (x2)$ 200

$ 200
Premium (x1)$ 400Coupon - NEWHERE20$ 80$ 320
Add-ons (refer above table for calculations)$ 600


Sub-total (after discount)$ 1000

Coupons - nominal

For nominal discount type, the discount is calculated at the cart-level.

TicketPrice (in $)Add-ons (refer to add-on table for calculations)Total cart amountDiscounts/CouponsDiscount amount
Early bird (x2)$ 200

Premium (x1)$ 400

Total ticket
$ 600
Total Add-on
$ 600

$ 1200- Coupon - HELLO10
- Coupon - NEWHERE20
$ 240 ($ 1200*20%)

Sub-total (after discounts)

$ 960 ($ 1200 - $ 240)

Applying both coupons and discounts

If you have created multiple discounts and coupons, without stacking enabled, only one that offers the maximum discount is applied.

First, the line item discounts are applied based on the discount condition for the ticket type. Later, when the purchaser's cart is ready to be checked out, the purchaser enters the promo code, and the coupon discount is applied to the entire cart value.

TicketPrice (in $)Add-ons (refer to add-on table for calculations)Total cart amountDiscounts/CouponsDiscount amount
Early bird (x2)$ 200

Premium (x1)$ 400

Total ticket
$ 600
Total add-on
$ 600

$ 1200- Discount - Buy 2 get 15%
Discount Buy 2 get 10%
$ 180 ($ 1200*15%)

NEWHERE200$ 200 ($200 > $ 180)

Sub-total (after discounts)
$ 1000 ($ 1200 - $ 200)

Applying discounts & coupons - with stacking

The following sections explain the cart calculations when discount or coupon stacking is enabled.

Applying bulk discount - with stacking

If the stacking of discounts is enabled, all the created discounts get combined to give users the maximum discount. Learn how stacked discounts work.

In this example, since the purchaser has 2 early bird tickets in the cart, two discounts are eligible — Buy 2 get 15% and Buy 2 get 10%. Because you’ve enabled stacking for bulk discounts, both get added, and a combined discount percentage is applied.

TicketPrice (in $)Add-ons (refer to add-on table for calculations)Total cart amountDiscounts/CouponsPrice after applied discounts
Early bird (x2)$ 200

Premium (x1)$ 400

Total ticket
$ 600
Total add-on
$ 600

$ 1200
  1. Discount - Buy 2 get 15%
  2. Discount - Buy 2, get 10%
$ 918
(($ 1200 -15%)- 10%

Sub-total (after discounts)$ 918

Stacked coupons with stacked discount

When the coupon and discount have the stacked setting enabled, the purchaser can apply a coupon, and the discount will also be applied automatically.

For discounts, a nominal discount is applied, then a percentage discount is calculated.

Ticket (+Add-on)Price (in $)Discounts/CouponsPrice after applied discounts
Early bird (x2)$ 200- Discount - Buy 2 get 15%
Discount - Buy 2 get 100
$ 90 ($ 200 - 100)- 10%)
Premium (x1)$ 400
$ 400

Sub-total$ 490

($ 470 - $20)

Grand total$ 470

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